Keynote and Confirmed Speakers
Hiroyuki Isobe
University of Tokyo
Update time:2022-03-14 10:21
2016-Present: Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
2013-Present: Research Director, Isobe Degenerate π-Integration, ERATO, JST (concurrent position)
2013-2017: Principal Investigator, Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University
2007-2016: Professor, Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University
2004-2007: Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
2003-2007: PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency (concurrent position)
1998-2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
1999 Ph. D. in Chemistry (The University of Tokyo; Prof. E. Nakamura)
1996 M. S. in Chemistry (Tokyo Institute of Technology; Prof. E. Nakamura)
*Official supervisor: Prof. K. Kakinuma
1994 B. S. in Chemistry (Tokyo Institute of Technology; Prof. E. Nakamura)
1996-1999: JSPS Fellow
1996 June-1996 August: Summer Student, Princeton University (Prof. D. Kahne)
2018: Fujifilm Prize for Functional Materials (Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry)
2018: Molecular Science Frontier Lectureship, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017: Xing Da Lectureship@Peking University
2017: Inoue Prize for Science
“Exploratory research based on synthetic and structural chemistry of macrocyclic hydrocarbons”
2017: Good Design Award (producer)
2016: Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
2016: The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work
“Exploratory Studies on Novel Functions through Design and Synthesis of Nanocarbon-inspired Molecules”
2015: Honorary International Chair Professor at National Taipei University of Technology
2014: Good Design Award (producer)
2010: Konica Minolta Award for Encouragement of Imaging Science (Konica Minolta Imaging Science Foundation)
“Modular Synthesis of π-Rich Molecules for Imaging Materials”
2009: Nozoe Memorial Award for Young Organic Chemists
“Organic Chemistry of Nanocarbon Materials”
2008: Asian Core Program Lectureship Awards for 2009
“Cycloaddition Way to DNA Analogues” (China & Singapore)
2008: The Young Scientists’ Prize
(The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
“Study of Functionalized Nanocarbon Molecules”
2007: Banyu Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
“Rational Design of Organic Molecules Toward Observation of Chemical Reactions with Transmission Electron Microscopy”
2005: The 1st Osawa Award of Fullerene Nanotube Research Society
“Gene Delivery with Assembly of Amphiphilic Fullerene Molecules”
2004: The 53th Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists
“Molecular Design of Amphiphilic Fullerenes and Functions of The Assembly”
2001: The 1st Young Scientists’ Research Award in Natural Product Chemistry
“Development of Gene Delivery Reagents Based on Molecular Design of Org